How We Generate Revenue for Clinics

Dentofaces Clinic– Case Study

Dentofaces Clinic

Service provided



Cosmetic Clinic

Revitalizing Dentofaces Cosmetic Clinic's Online Presence & Workflow

Discover how we transformed Dentofaces Cosmetic Clinic by redesigning their website, implementing a CRM system, optimizing their digital marketing strategy, and leveraging influencer collaborations to attract a diverse clientele and boost their online presence.

The Challenge

Optimizing Dentofaces Clinic's Operations and Reach

Dentofaces Cosmetic Clinic needed to streamline their workflow, train their sales team, and expand their reach to attract a diverse clientele in a competitive market.

Our Solution

A Comprehensive Business Strategy

We devised an all-encompassing approach that improved Dentofaces Clinic's operations, online visibility, and client acquisition through CRM system setup, staff training, website redesign, advertising media creation, social media management, and influencer collaborations.


Enhancing Workflow and Content Creation

Our team implemented a CRM system and optimized the clinic's workflow, training their sales team to efficiently manage the influx of leads generated through our digital marketing efforts.


High-Quality Content Creation

We filmed Dentofaces Clinic's doctors professionally, crafting compelling advertising media for social media ads that showcased their expertise and services.


The Expin Advantage

To boost the clinic's exposure, we utilized our expin influencer platform to secure influential participants at no cost. While these influencers typically charge AED 10,000 - 30,000 for social coverage, our innovative platform enables us to obtain their services at no cost for our clients.


Remarkable Growth & Streamlined Operations

Our comprehensive strategy, encompassing CRM and workflow improvements, website redesign, digital marketing, and influencer collaborations, led to a significant boost in Dentofaces Cosmetic Clinic's online visibility, expanded clientele, and enhanced operational efficiency.

Leads in 2 months
Website Impressions
Influencer Coverage
Social Followers

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